Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What is personal branding?

Personal branding is the process of identifying and communicating what makes you unique, relevant, and compelling so you can reach your career or business goals.

How can you identify your personal brand?
There are some exercises you can do to start to uncover your personal brand. One exercise is to ask yourself the following questions: 1) What are five adjectives that describe me? 2) What are five words that describe how I make others feel? 3) If I were a car, what kind would I be- and why? Next, ask 10 people you know the same questions. Another fun idea is to ask your Facebook friends to post one adjective that describes you.
You can also use the 360Reach personal branding survey to help you uncover your brand.  The 360Reach is the first and leading web-based personal brand survey that helps you get to the real story about how you are perceived by those around you. It is used to identify your key attributes, skills, strengths, and weaknesses.  It is truly a 360, because the respondents come from all areas of your life- including family, friends, co-workers, managers, employees, networking contacts, clients, customers, etc.

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