Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Create a Networking Plan

To ensure you get the results you want from networking, create a plan. Some things to consider:
1) What are your current career goals? Are you in job search mode or career management mode? Or perhaps you’re seeking to advance to the next level?

2) What information are you seeking at this time? Is it connections within your target field, industry, or company? Are you trying to make connections with industry or thought leaders? Are you gathering information about a specific company, industry, or field?

3) What venues can you tap into to gather this information? Is it a professional association, a job transition group, or maybe a Chamber of Commerce event?

4) What are your weekly, monthly, and quarterly networking goals? Spend some time figuring out how many networking events you want to attend each week and how many 1:1’s you want to do. The amount will depend on your current career goals.

Remember, it's important to network whether you're in a job search, want to advance to the next level, or simply manage your career effectively.

Grab a copy of my free eBook, "Get a Job, Keep a Job, or Move Up- faster!"


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