Saturday, April 26, 2014

Storytelling Inspires Young Girls to Broaden Career Options

By now you've most likely heard of STEM, i.e., careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. There's another acronym that incorporates Arts into STEM and it's STE@M™. Co-authors Cari Lyn Vinci and Carleen MacKay have written a Playbook for TEENS in which young women of STE@M™ share their career-changing challenges, discoveries, actions and results. These young women prove that using knowledge of software or technology, engineering, art or math is required in almost all fields the new workplace demands.

Set aside endless graphs and tedious analytics. Instead, reflect upon the inspirational words and
imagery painted by powerful young women whose experiences foretell success at a time of great
workplace change. The story-tellers, successful pioneers in the new world of work, have written this beautifully illustrated book to – and for – you in your high school years. Their powerful words will inspire
the courageous, offer staying power to the ambitious and daring to those who have been held back
by misplaced fear the STE@M™ word sometime evokes.

For example, you’ll meet a young woman from a poor family whose parents did not encourage
thoughts of college and whose greatest ambition throughout much of her high school years was
to paint pictures on a pier in San Francisco. A teacher inspired her, mentored her and
encouraged her to explore the connections between science, art and life. She began to see other
options for her life. Unfortunately, life changing challenges in her family interfered with her
new-found ambitions. So, how did this young woman overcome life’s trials and find a new
direction filled with adventure, travel and exciting work? How did she become one of their real-life
models for today’s teens? How might she inspire you? Well…for those answers, you will
have to read the rest of her story. It’s in the book!

While the book is intended to inspire teens who are looking at preparing for a future unlike the
past; it is an equally important reading experience for teachers, parents and friends who are
travelers sharing the road to the future.

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