Are your Sundays spent dreading Monday? Are you in a secure job, but one that doesn't fulfill you? Is fear holding you back from making a change? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you're not alone.
It's easy to become complacent when you're in a job that you could do in your sleep or that pays well. A part of us may want to make a change, but then that nagging voice tells us, "I've got it made; I earn a good income. I SHOULD be happy" OR "I'm not sure I want to invest in discovering new options because of the money or time involved." So, you spend months, even years, being less than happy in your job. Plus, you're probably not giving your full 100% or more to the company.
It starts with a first step. Start to discover or re-discover your interests, skills, work values, etc. to determine if a new career would be a good move or if you could find more success and satisfaction in your current job or even a different position within your current company.
Sign up for my free teleclass, "Top 3 Myths of Career Success & 10 Keys to Becoming a Career Conqueror."
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