Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Your Two-Minute Pitch: The Keystone of Your Job Search

Earlier this week I delivered a presentation at a Twin-Cities based job transition group. My presentation was titled, "Your Two-Minute Pitch: The Keystone of Your Job Search." It's critically important to have a well-crafted, targeted two-minute pitch, aka your elevator pitch to use during your job search.

You'll use your Two-Minute Pitch, coined by the Five O'Clock Club, during networking situations and in job interviews when asked, "Tell me about yourself." However, before you develop your pitch, it's important to have clearly defined job targets. A job target consists of:

1) A position or function
2) Industry and/or company size
3) Geographic area

You may have several job targets which means you may need several pitches. Below are some questions to help you get started on developing or fine-tuning your pitch:

  1. What is the most important thing I want this target to know about me? (This is where you position yourself. If they know nothing else about you, this is what you want them to know.)
  2. What is the second most important thing I want this target to know about me? (This could support and/or broaden your introductory statement).
  3. Key selling points: statements/accomplishments that support/prove the first two statements.
  4. Statement of why they should be interested in me/what separates me from my competition:
  5. Other key selling points applicable even indirectly to this industry or position:
Get started on developing your Two-Minute Pitch for your job target(s). Try it out with friends or family and get feedback before you start using it in the real world.

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