Sunday, June 8, 2014

Positive Self-Talk & the Job Search

Mindset can positively impact a job-seekers success in landing a job or not and how fast.  Negative self-talk is a form of self-sabotage. It’s important to notice what messages you may be saying to yourself about yourself. If it’s negative, it’s important for you to change your thoughts. Positive thoughts can change how you feel and respond to a particular situation. This in turn will increase the likelihood of bolstering your self-confidence and having a positive outcome. Take a look at the following examples of negative self-talk on the left and on the right examples of positive self-talk. 

Negative Self-Talk Example:
Positive Self-Talk Example:

I’m being discriminated against because of my age.

I have a lot of skills and experience to offer an employer. Plus, my appearance looks up-to-date and I’m up-to-date with technology.

I don’t feel comfortable tooting my own horn.

I will state the facts about my accomplishments so the interviewer sees I’m the best candidate for the position.

I don’t want to get on LinkedIn. I'm not comfortable putting myself out there on social media.

What negative self-talk are you saying to yourself? How could you reframe those messages into something positive?

Millions of people are on LinkedIn. If most recruiters seek candidates on LinkedIn, I need to be on LinkedIn.

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