It's amazing how powerful your mindset can be and what impact it can have on whether you reach your goals or not. Have you taken time to uncover any limiting beliefs that may be getting in your way of true success? You may not even be aware of some of those beliefs, but you can be sure they are stopping you from achieving what you say you want in your career or life. Below are some questions to ask yourself and tips to move from limiting to limitless.
1. It starts with awareness. Identify your self-talk. What negative thoughts are you saying to yourself, about yourself? When considering going after a promotion, do you say to yourself, "I'll never be considered." or "I'm not smart enough."
2. Next, how do you act out those negative thoughts? Do they keep you from going after that promotion? Do they stop you from learning new skills to be marketable for that promotion?
3. What feelings come up when you think those thoughts and act (or don't act) on them? Do you tell yourself, "I'm not good enough?"
4. Next, write down your "bully" beliefs and then next to them, write down your "buoyant" beliefs [positive beliefs] about what you can do. Using the example in #1: Bully belief: "I'm not smart enough." Buoyant belief: "I am smart and I am continually gaining new skills to make me more marketable."
5. Finally, brainstorm options for action, then prioritize, and commit to the best options that align with your goal. For example, I will join Toastmasters to improve my speaking, listening, and leadership skills. I will take a self-assessment to uncover my preferred leadership style to learn more about myself.
It's important to manage your mindset whether you're in a job search, want to advance in your career, or simply be more satisfied and successful in your current job.
Want to become a career conqueror? Sign up for my free teleclass "Top 3 Myths of Career Success & 10 Keys to Becoming a Career Conqueror."
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