Do you agree that time is your most precious commodity? Do you wish you had two more hours in every day? Do you wish you could double your productivity by this time next year? It comes down to priorities. Making time for what's more important.
Figure out systems and support to say "YES" to the important things and "NO" to the trivial things. I know for me, checking my email can be a big time-sucker. It's become almost like an addiction to check our email every time a new message comes in. Something I have found helpful for me and my coaching clients is to set specific times during the day to check email. It's amazing how much of a time saver this can be. For example, let's say someone sends out an email to a group of people (including you) to find a time to meet. If you just wait until the end of the day, you will find the time that works for everyone rather than staying in the loop for each response and frittering away your time.
Another tactic is to keep an interrupter's log. There is probably a person or two that comes to mind as you think about your work life. On your log, you can document the offender, the reason for the interruption, and determine if it was valid or urgent. This information will help you come up with a plan for how to handle the top offenders.
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